Reset password
Forgot your password? No problem. Just follow these simple steps:
- Go to log in as you normally would.
- Enter the email address you used when you registered your account.
- Continue to the password screen.
- Click the forgot password link. You should receive a confirmation that we sent you an email.
- Go to your email and open the reset password email from us. If you don't see it, make sure to check the junk/spam email folder just in case.
- Click the link in the email.
- Follow the instructions on screen. You will be prompted to choose a new password, after which you can access your account!
Tip: if you can't remember what email you used to register with us, go to your inbox and search for Lottomart. You'll be able to see where we sent you emails before.
If these steps don't work or you're encountering other issues, please contact support. We can happily help you sort this out.