Withdraw your winnings
You may withdraw your winnings to the method you've used to deposit before in the withdrawal area.
Please note that we operate a closed loop policy for withdrawals. If you are using multiple payment methods at the same time, we may need to restrict which payment method you can withdraw to and the amount. You'll always be able to withdraw all your funds at any given time, but the sequence of events matters.
What does closed loop mean?
Financial and gaming regulations generally require two things:
- That we always send funds back to the original deposit method.
- That amounts that exceed what you deposited (your winnings) are paid out to a method only after all your methods have paid out equal to the amount deposited. This only applies if you have multiple active deposit methods.
Here's a multiple method example: let's say you deposit 100 via card A, then 50 via card B, and then you manage to increase your balance to 1,000. To withdraw the full 1,000, we need to make sure that card A has had the original 100 paid out and that card B has also had the original 50 paid out before the rest of the 850 can be sent to you.
How does closed loop work in practice?
Let's say that you want to withdraw the full 1,000 from the example above.
- If you select card A for your first withdrawal, you will be limited to 100, which is what you have deposited on this card.
- Card A will then be unavailable for further withdrawals until card B is paid out.
- If you then select card B for your next withdrawal, you can withdraw up to 900. If you want to split those winnings between card A and card B, you must withdraw at least 50 to card B first - then you'll be able to split whatever is left between card A and B because both have had their deposits refunded.
It might sound complicated but don't worry - our system handles this all automatically. You'll just need to do several withdrawals instead of one by following the instructions on each method you've used to deposit. We're also here to help if you require assistance.
Why does my card have a maximum withdrawal amount?
Some payments have a maximum single withdrawal amount permitted by the processor. In those cases, you can just submit multiple withdrawals.
If you have multiple active deposit methods, a maximum withdrawal may be imposed because we need to refund how much you've deposited to that method (and the others) before we can pay out the remainder of your extra winnings. Please see the previous sections to find out what closed loop is and how it works in practice.
Why does my card show as unavailable?
A card will show as unavailable only if:
- You have multiple active payment methods.
- You've withdrawn how much you've deposited to that card but not to other deposit methods you've used. Please see the previous sections to find out what closed loop is and how it works in practice.
Why is closed loop necessary?
In addition to being law to protect against money laundering, closed loop policies protect victims of theft and fraud by preventing money from being "moved" from a stolen card, for example, to a thief's card.
What happens if I no longer have access to a card I am being asked to withdraw to?
In the majority of cases, banks will process refunds to expired cards or cards that were replaced. You can request the withdrawal back to the original card and we will contact you if there are any problems processing your withdrawal. If we need to send the withdrawal back to another card (or method) for whatever reason, we will require evidence that the method(s) belong to you.